Establishing a Sustainable Patient & Family Giving Program
Many efforts at establishing “Grateful Patient” fundraising programs start strong but eventually fail as time passes, staff or organizational leadership change and other priorities intervene.
“Establishing a Sustainable Patient and Family Giving Program” examines the lessons learned from the successful program created three years ago when Marts & Lundy partnered with the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC). By creating strong infrastructure, a core of “Philanthropy Champions” and a sustained training program for both Champions and advancement staff, URMC has launched a program tailored to its own institutional culture—one that has continued to grow and improve each year.
Marts & Lundy Senior Consultant Frank Interlichia and University of Rochester Medical Center’s Assistant Vice President for Patient and Family Giving, Elizabeth Dollhopf-Brown, provide an in-depth look at this case study with plenty of discussion about the challenges and the opportunities.