The Philanthropy Outlook 2019 & 2020
On January 23, Marts & Lundy released The Philanthropy Outlook 2019 & 2020 in partnership with the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.
It is still too early to determine exactly how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act may impact future donor decisions. The stock market slow down and the government shutdown further complicate the matter. Though it is not possible to exactly predict how these factors will impact giving in the next two years, the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy’s unique ability to thoroughly analyze the multifaceted charitable giving landscape makes the Outlook an exceptional resource for philanthropy professionals.
Overall, the models project growth across all sources of giving, as well as giving to education, health and public-society benefit (the only three recipient types the Outlook currently models).
Furthermore, the Outlook offers three charitable giving scenarios: Uneven Growth, Flat Growth and Economic Downturn. Each is explored in the report.
We invite you to explore the full report at PhilanthropyOutlook.com